There was an old vignette that my sister sent me by email a while back. A young couple is driving together and the girl suddenly asks:
"Honey, do you know what day it is today?"
He scratches his head without looking too uncertain and takes one moment to think -- I did not realize it was so late in the month, I should have had the oil changed and the fluids checked in the car. I wonder if I can make an appointment tomorrow.
Meanwhile she is thinking -- it's taking him too long, maybe he's not into me after all. Maybe he is thinking that he doesn't really want to be with me anymore. Yes, the other day he seemed quite pensive and he would not say what was on his mind.
As the road stretches ahead, he continues with his train of thought and she becomes even more anxious to the point of physical discomfort. They finally arrive to the destination without either one speaking another word.
"Fine," she blurts out, "I will go back with Jen, no need to bother waiting for me."
He looks at her puzzled and says, "but I was not planning to drop the car off today, sweetie."
Do any of you know what just happened? The boy and the girl in this story resemble very much the company and the customer in our daily business toils. See what I'm talking about at this week's FC Expert post.