This was quite a week for conversation. After spending an evening and a full day with a group of smart marketers at DMAW (thank you, Donna and Geoff) and learning about some of the projects Jim Long and Stephen Marino are working on, I feel quite energized. I know I will be back to both for an in depth look at what they're up to to share with you.
If I had to summarize it all in one call to action I would say: join the conversation that is right for you. That also means start your own in whichever medium works for your business and personality. Do not let technology be a deterrent. I am by no means an expert and right now I blog from an old Dell laptop that will not turn on when not plugged in -- my fellow speakers were very gracious and did not laugh me out of the room.
Jim Long and C.C. were both so passionate about Twitter that I might (notice the conditional) consider signing up. And if Vaspers is reading this -- thank you for your ongoing support. There is a whole stream of content and ideas flowing through Twitter. I was sitting next to C.C. this morning and could see the activity. I get that more than I get Facebook, although how I might stick to only 140 characters per message is both a mystery and a challenge.
While I was speaking, a few posts I wrote published.
This week's Fast Company Expert post is more out of a Seinfeld episode than the latest in the news. The payoff:
Today, there are enough people doing what you do and offering you kind of service. Customers can choose to walk across the street (literally) and take their business elsewhere. Have you been available to a conversation with them? Do you stick to their meaning of service?
I am talking about New Age and branding at Marketing Profs:Daily Fix. The bottom line is that if your business is broken and your products need to be tuned up, you need to do that first. Is social media appropriate for your brand?
As new age was put forth as a panacea for a society seeking spiritual roots, now social media is being thrust upon the fabric of business. Ask yourself: when was the last time you talked about new age? In five years can you still imagine yourself talking about social media as something layered on top of your core marketing?
And today at The Blog Herald I share a couple of tips on the change of season and what it means for your blog. You may win too if you participate.. only if that conversation is right for you. Help me out here, are we having the types of conversations you'd like to join? I'm doing some regrouping and fall cleaning, too. Thank you for reading, and participating.
[Lazise, Garda Lake, Italy. October 4, 2007 taken by my mother]