He's been a brand manager, strategist and architect
of contemporary instrumental music since the early 80’s.
As a pioneer of this sound, he's programmed stations and specialty
shows in Columbus, Cleveland, Milwaukee, Austin, Sarasota/Ft.
Myers and Gainesville.
He has helped design contemporary instrumental
stations for radio groups in Australia and Canada. Harman's
been nominated multiple times as the Gavin Report Smooth AC
program director of the year and my operation in 2005 was nominated
as Smooth AC station of the year by Radio & Records.
Winner of 13 individual Addy Awards for writing/production of commercial radio spots. His projects have been also written about on Billboard. Bill Harman is a guest from the About You page.
Why are you online?
Bill: Online is the gateway to the future and the light of opportunity. We’ve come so far online but really have just scratched the surface of its potential. It’s opening the eyes and minds of so many, including myself, and will continue to astound and amaze us into many different worlds of possibilities.
I’m in the “entertainment” arena with a terrestrial radio show in four cities and my hope is to not only spread it to more stations and secure a syndicator but to also be able to someday stream it to a worldwide audience.
My company is the Short Attention Span Theatre and I want to podcast and create features that will only be viable on the net. Online is the place to grow, learn, interact, connect and make this world a better place for us now and in the future.
What prompted to post in "About You" at Conversation Agent?
Bill: It was the glorious idea of throwing my creativity out on an entirely new playing field to see what could happen.
I’ve learned that my mission is twofold. (1) I believe I have something to offer in what I do but I also need help in my quest and I’m not afraid to look at every option available. (2) I also believe that I have something to give back and there may be someone who could use my talents or expertise and it’s there for the asking.
Your blog is the avenue for both.
What are you working on that you feel will connect ideas and people?
Bill: My “Harmonic Lounge” is one way I speak to others. It enables me to play some incredible music that relates to listeners in a very positive way. I’ve also learned to reconnect with the human race in the fullest sense of the meaning.
I’ve been out of full time employment since November 2007 but since then I have learned a ton and networked with more people than I did for decades before and I’m more alive than I have ever been. It’s made me a better man and a better human. It’s a perspective to pass along in my travels as I try to make this journey the best it can be. I’m very grateful for the abundance I have but as the Grateful Dead once said, “What a long, strange trip it’s been”.
I’m married to my best friend and soul mate, live in a wonderful neighborhood in a terrific house, have four great kids and a large loony dog along with my health (at 58) so what more could I ask for? As long as I continue to make positive contributions and move forward then it will all work itself out.
Jake (the large loony dog) and I walk every morning and I pick up trash along the way because I want to leave the space I walk in a little better than when I got there. Some people think I’m nuts and others get it. I’m just working on myself because that’s the story and canvas that will connect with other people and ideas and it’s the only thing I can control (somewhat).
Who would you like to connect with?
Bill: Anyone who wants to.
For the radio show, I would like to be on more stations and I’m on the lookout for a syndicator who can do the heavy lifting (marketing, distribution and compensation) for me while I concentrate on the creative.
As for everything else, I want to learn more humanity. What makes it all work and why or why not? I have this need to give back more than ever before. What can I do to help out? How can I make this a better place? It’s all about connection that makes the price of admission and this trip the best “E” ticket ride one could ever imagine.