Kelly writes on a topic that is becoming more important to many of us - almost frugal. I like the fact that her site has a guided tour for people who are new to the concept.
Also, since I'm a bit of a generalist within the topics I write about, I do appreciate how a focused approach such as hers may work well.
The reason why Kelly and I feel mutually connected is that we're both living in a country other than our original place of birth. It takes real courage to leave your roots for a prolonged period of time.
This is something I've also thought about every time the issue of immigration comes up in the news. People would much rather be with their family and community - if presented with opportunity, they'd probably choose to stay. We've become more mobile for many reasons - Kelly, for example, fell in love - finding work and a way to sustain a life and family is a big one among those reasons.
This conversation with Kelly continues our series from the About You page.
Why are you online?
Kelly: I first started blogging like so many others- just as a way of keeping in touch with far-flung friends and family, but my interest in blogging quickly grew and evolved. I started my own blog on frugality at the same time I was going back to school for a graduate degree in marketing.
I started learning about how to connect with people- both around ideas, like a common interest in frugality (the subject of my blog), or around a tool, like Facebook or Twitter.
I love the fact that I can connect with people online with whom I would never have connected otherwise, or reconnect or maintain connections with those with whom I would have lost contact.
And I especially love that being online allows me, an American who has lived in France more than 9 years, to continue keeping my toes dipped in American waters. Being an expat is easier than ever these days.
What prompted to post in "About You" at Conversation Agent?
Kelly: I loved how other people shared their stories and information, as well as the diversity of the people and their stories. I felt a connection to each story told, be it small or large, and thought that maybe others might find the same value in what I can offer.
Plus I'm a natural born networker, and About You seems to be just another opportunity to network!
What are you working on that you feel will connect ideas and people?
Kelly: I am currently researching my graduate school thesis project, which is an effort to determine the appropriateness of a company’s use of various Web 2.0 and social media tools, such as blogs, forums, Twitter or Facebook when engaging in marketing efforts in multi-lingual global and emerging markets such as the Middle East, North Africa or Central or Eastern Europe.
Ideas that I'm trying to develop include how culture, language and technology affect the use of such tools, which tools are users using in which markets and how a web 2.0 marketing approach differs in such markets from the US/UK markets.
Who would you like to connect with?
Kelly: Anyone, really! But I am especially interested in people who have (marketing) experience (working) in Albania or the Middle East, or anything
involved or related to my project as described above.
I can offer people insights into French and American culture- work, marketing, networking, social and so on. I can also help people connect with the English or international community in France.
Another of my strengths is in helping people make their blogs better communicate their message visually, not through design as much as the optimization of the existing elements.
I do know of such a person working on a Ph.D. thesis in Spain (I think that's where she is now) and I will be connecting you two offline. Does anyone else have tips or ideas for Kelly?