This is a concept than anyone trained in martial arts - three years of Karate-do for me - or schooled in any other kind of physical activity - especially gymnastics - knows well. If you played European football or volley ball, like I did, this idea applies there, too. It is the distance that can make the difference between a brilliant and effective move, and a near flop.
A small adjustment in posture can and does make a really big difference in business. Call it flexibility, culture, awareness, or call it change - the result is measured in hard metrics. 1/4 inch adjustments can mean:
- better integration of marketing, public relations and advertising for an engaging and interactive experience - attention and details are part of this conversation
- development around participants shared goals - this is especially helpful when joining or forming communities
- building on the old axiom - standing for something vs. falling for everything - does declaring what you stand for eliminate flexibility in your view?
- measurement metrics that are a better reflection of what is going on - correlation matters
- balance between personal and company branding activities - where's the leverage point on human?
- you may not think it's a big deal, but it can make waves from its tiny perch
- the final push to go from good to great - taking a simple concept and making it awesome - who does the project help? How could it affect more positively?
There are passionate conversations going on about big scale change, and how things need to shift today. Yet, sometimes a 1/4 inch in awareness is all it takes.
[image courtesy of Wiki commons]
Enjoy our series of posts on the new gymnastics of business:
The New Gymnastics of Business: Part 4, Rhythmic Gymnastics
The New Gymnastics of Business: Part 3, the Rings
The New Gymnastics of Business: Part 2, the Vault