guest post by Chris Baskind
10. More La Bamba, less La Bimbo
9. Wednesday's 24 hour webcast didn't require "free" registration
8. Dancing tacos
7. Conan is having fun; you're "engaging" customers
6. Conan's staff is on a mission; yours has a mission statement
5. When you're on basic cable, nobody expects much from you
4. Conan seamlessly integrates YouTube, Facebook, and Twitter. You seamlessly integrate Management, Sales, and Marketing
3. Conan's team started their social media effort three months prior to launch. You started yours three days after
2. We're using a Dave Letterman shtick to talk about Conan O'Brien, but it doesn't seem to matter
and the #1 Reason Conan O'Brien's social media stuff is better than yours
1. It's the hair
[image of the new Conan logo]
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