[5:47" YouTube]
Even for business, strategy is motivation. In my video interview with Simon Mainwaring I explain a bit further the concept of buyers vs. customers, and the process I use when working with organizations to meet their goals.
The most frequently asked questions teams ask during a strategic engagement range from learning what best practices like companies use online, to how to respond in a crisis situation. Yet, by far, the biggest challenge organizations face is that of building continuity and consistency in their interactions.
Why is this such a challenge? For several reasons:
- many organizations operate in an environment where buy in by multiple groups is a necessity
- thinking ahead is hard when immersed in the day-to-day operations of the business
- planning programs vs. campaigns requires coordination with several other agencies, especially in the enterprise
- companies are still having a hard time reconciling the name recognition of the individual vs. using a completly branded approach online
- analysis-paralysis or inability to get started
- over reliance on the opinion of experts with little attention paid to the ideas and feedback of the people on the front lines
What else? What are the stumbling blocks you face to building continuity in your programs? You may have noticed that I did not mention lack of resources -- that is a given in many organizations, including those that find a way to build interactions in their way of showing up in the market.
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