Not free of charge, free to change. Influence is entirely contextual, so what passed for influence last year or last month may not be influence at all today.
It's not just that the conversation of business is changing. It's more real time stream-of-conciousness. Just like earning your place in the market every day.
Take, for instance, this deck I presented at the Vocus User Group conference this past June. It comes from a conversation we had at PodCamp Philadelphia, which then became the SxSW interactive solo presentation.
The Q&A session in the packed ballroom at SxSW generated additional thinking and iteration. In fact, I used a totally different storyline there. I was honored to be the host and moderator of such a large and smart group of practitioners. And so engrossed on the conversation, that I forgot to ask someone to snap a picture for the occasion.
An hour passed in minutes.
The Vocus User Group Conference was another opportunity to advance my thinking and practice on this topic. The team video taped a version that is much closer to the one I posted here. The conversation then continued in the hallways after the session and at breakfast the next day.
On July 28, I'm participating in a follow up virtual conference partnering with Vocus. I thought you'd enjoy seeing the deck as a visual preview. It's a set of visual cues I use to remember stories and flow, not a recipe.
The fun and best part will be the live Q&A. So make sure you sign up here, if you want to participate -- it's free of charge.
Knowledge is a commodity. My thinking has evolved a great deal since then. The creative use of conversation, listening, and observing, matched to the right marketing tasks is already delivering sharper results against objectives for clients.
Influence is free to change, and so must we be creative to remain relevant.
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