I like to thank people frequently and creatively throughout the year. Especially clients.
It's not unusual to receive home baked goods, advance copies of books, cards, and more as appropriate and relevant from me.
In fact, some have remarked I have such good taste, I need to share more of the things I like. Which is what I'll be doing on Pinterest (more on that in a later post).
There's something special in keeping with tradition.
It's not about the calendar. That's an artificial construct. It's about acknowledging and celebrating the contributions of all the individuals that make up a community.
Ever since I started this blog, I've set aside the day before New Year's Eve to pause and recognize the people I'm grateful to have met and collaborated with throughout the year.
Relationships develop over time, and they are a real asset in the real world. Because they lead to getting things done.
A special thank you to site sponsors
Many of you are looking to delve deeper into local marketing automation next year. And you know that the introductions I make on this site are based upon authentic usefulness. Which is why I dedicate a maximum of two spots on the sidebar for sponsored connections.
These are both good reasons why, if you haven't already done so, you should watch this video where Pete Gombert, CEO, Balihoo explains the evolving local marketing landscape.
Balihoo is a sponsor of Conversation Agent and they have not asked me to write this post.
Earlier in the year, long time community member Chris Baskind, who developed my website (and you know I'm picky), ran a sponsorship as well.
To the growing list of Premium Newsletter subscribers
This is an appointment I enjoy especially. So thank you for engaging back with thoughts and comments about the articles.
There are all kinds of cool things I'm exploring, including special offers and trials as bonus for 2012. I'm also encouraging more businesses to step forward and partner with me to give this list first dibs on products.
Here's what subscribers have to say about the newsletter.
To conference organizers
This year I enjoyed the privilege of speaking at many events, including such prestigious and well attended conferences as SxSW Interactive with a solo presentation, Vocus User Group, Mesh in Toronto, The New York Times Small Business Summit in NYC, and WOMMA.
There were a couple of notable keynotes at events that really stood out for organization, focus, and delivering on their promises. Those were Confab2011, fabulously organized by the Brain Traffic team and Kristina Halvorson, and Social IRL, organized by Ben Smith.
In fact, we had such a great time at Social IRL in St. Louis this past November, that we're taking the social customer conversation to the next level to rethinking business next February. So mark your calendars and join us in Kansas City in a short few weeks.
In 2012, I'll be also traveling to Europe for some in depth events. Stay tuned for details.
Many thanks to those who comment here
I am especially grateful to those who take a few moments of their precious time to engage in the comments at this site. The competition for attention with social networks is intense. And I consider your comments part of what makes this site special.
Special thanks go to Peter Tunjic, Brian Driggs, Christa Miller, Judy Gombita, William Mougayar, Peter Rodgers, and the many more who engage on Google+, Twitter, and Facebook.
To Disqus or not to Disqus?
I've installed Disqus commenting on this site.
However, SAY media tells me that if I turn that on, all the previous comments we wrote using the TypePad commenting system will not be visible. They will still be there, all 10,333 of them. We just won't see them in the blog.
The advantages of using Disqus is the system's portability, the fact that it's centered around you and your profile, and you can integrate it with email and Engagio. I'm thinking that's what Fred Wilson did at his site (also on TypePad) -- he just switched one day and never looked back.
My thinking is either go full in with a commenting system that works, Disqus, or full out, actually closing the comments like I've been doing with Saturday posts on business and technology trends, and just hold the conversation on the Google+ page.
What do you think?
I would be remiss if I didn't thank Mitch Joel for having me as a guest on SPOS podcast twice this year, and Bob Knorpp for inviting me to comment on The Bean Cast a couple of times as well. In fact, stay tuned for information on a special Bean Cast show recording announcement early in 2012.
Thanks go to all of you who read, link to, and share these posts all over the world. Your ideas and energy mean a lot to furthering the conversation.