It's a couple of years old and still so relevant today. (we're also a couple of years old and just getting started, aren't we?)
Swedish agency Forsman & Bodenfors was hired by SVT, Sweden's public service broadcaster, to launch their SVT Play app for iPhone to support their on demand web service.
Besides having no media budget, the agency also had no idea when Apple would approve the app. One of the best ways I know of to demonstrate value is by showing customer demand for a product or serivce.
F&B invited all the SVT Play fans to participate in a campaign to fast track approval for the app. They addressed the campaign directly to (then) Apple's CEO Steve Jobs. Once the news of the project got out, Swedish TV viewers got into it and generated much of the content for the campaign.
Their goals were:
1. Getting the 5 largest media and tech sites to write about the campaign
The gaols was reached on launch day. TechCrunch, Gizmodo, Feber (Sweden buzz site), Creativity, Afton Bladet (Sweden's largest newspaper). Thousands of other sites also wrote about the campaign, including this one almost three years later.
2. Getting 40,000 unique visitors to go to (Note: the site is now inactive)
They reached 19,000 the day of the launch and had 117,468 unique visitors during the period the campaign was active.
3. Getting 40,000 yes votes on the site
After one week, they had 389,000.
4. Becoming one of the ten most downloaded apps in the App Store (in Sweden)
2 hours after the rlease, the app was the most downloaded in Sweden.
It sounds like Swedish Television is worth watching... see the video for details on the program.
The campaign caught my eye because we still rarely do that -- involve customers in our plans for them, which we then launch TO them, instead of with them.
Note about content strategy: Do make your assets readily downloadable and sharable, and likely we will with more frequency.
Valeria is an experienced listener. She is also frequent speaker at conferences and companies on a variety of topics. To book her for a speaking engagement click here.