Technology is fantastic. Thanks to the web, we have access to more tools than we'll likely ever find time to try. Take for example Mind Node, a tool that helps you create a mind map.
Mind maps are a visual representation of your ideas, starting with a central thought and growing from there. This allows you to brainstorm & organize your thoughts in an intuitive way, so you can focus on the idea behind it.
But when the problem is we are trying to connect some dots and don't know where to begin, tools cannot give us good answers. That's because we are grappling with more complex circumstances, fluid situations, and likely uncharted territory. For that, a map is a good companion to a sharp mind.
How we think about things has a transforming effect on what we do. Choosing what we read and think about is a great place to start. The spirit of curiosity, a desire for connection, and an understanding of our personal culture shape what we do in the world. The best way to learn things is to do them habitually – hence Learning Habit.
To start, it will contain curated links to things I am finding on the web on culture, business, technology, creativity, philosophy, and psychology, posts I have written, books I am reading, upcoming events, and much more.
It goes out every Sunday, so there's still time to subscribe. Use the form below and share the link to this landing page with your friends.